So I thought I'd give it a try (the running without modern running shoes, not the 100 mile races). I actually tried barefoot running first, and loved it. I could feel the ground, my stride changed and I didn't have the big impact from leading with my heel (very painful doing that
Enter I stumbled onto this website where they sell Vibram (sole material for shoes) and nylon with Do-It-Yourself videos on how to make modern running sandals. I figured I could make those myself and went ahead and did so. It has been awesome. Same feeling as going barefoot, without the abrasions that were such a problem.
I get a bunch of funny looks from people when I wear them, but honestly they are so much fun to run in and it feels really fun to run again.
nice feet!
why don't you post some video of you running in those primeval shoes.
Maybe I will Burke...Maybe I will.
Good for you, Brock. Also, I am glad you let us know about your blog spot. These entries are intereting to me.
So what is the protocol on these new high tech blog dealios. I mean can I give you two enthusiastic thumbs up or perhaps a scathing rebuke (depending on what I think about picture of your feet for example)? I have seen people post reviews for business on the world-wide internet web when I was on there on time. Is this similar? By the way, I like the sandals, very minimalist. I'm thinking of trying the running thing soon. I like the concept about avoiding injuries when running and the lower impact barefoot running has. But then I thought, if I'm trying to lessen impact, how about not running at all. They did invent the wheel a while back. Maybe I should ride instead of run. Does it say anything in that book about why the Mexican indians don't ride bikes?
Yeah, it think I as a fellow runner would look twice at your feet as you flew by, but hey, if it makes running fun again, then JUST DO IT!
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