Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Favorite story...so far

I'll give you a little background into Wisconsin in general and La Crosse specifically. Ready? They love to drink, and drink a lot. The graph to the right shows that Wisconsin and SC have 50% of their car accidents involving someone legally drunk (blood alcohol of 0.08%)

So here's my favorite story so far. Last night I was in the ER when a patient came in with some belly pain. He was a middle-aged guy who looked in pretty rough shape; broken shoulder in a sling, broken wrist in a cast, recently detected broken hip, and recently detected broken heel also in a cast (which is a ridiculously difficult bone to break). He also had a number of bruises all over his body and a nice stitched up laceration across his forehead. Like I said, pretty impressive.
Here's the gist of the story. He was drinking ("a couple of beers" yeah right) and was driving home after a get together. He was "only going 45mph" and there were "brake problems" with his car, all of this caused him to crash.

You know what he crashed into? A barn! And it was 50 yards off the road! That's right, he got half a football field away from the road and crashed into a big barn all with only "a couple of beers". I still find it hard to believe and I met the guy.