Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Spoon People"

Now I am not a "crafty" person, meaning I have never been good at or particularly enjoyed making crafts. At Girls' Camp I hated the craft we always had to do, mine always turned out ugly. I never attend Super Saturdays, and I rarely enter stores like Michael's or JoAnn's Fabrics. Just not my kind of stores, you know? However, for the last couple of days my two girls have been sick, so we have been prevented from spending time with friends, or from going to the YMCA, because we don't want to make everyone else sick. The weather has been cold so we haven't been able to get out by ourselves either and just go for walks or head to the zoo. The result is that my two year-old is going stir crazy. So, in an attempt to add some variety to her life, I pulled out The Preschooler's Busy Book, which was a gift we received from Brock's sister and her husband for Christmas. I looked up a couple of things I thought we could do and headed to Walmart for a few supplies. One "craft" I tried was called "Spoon People." Here is a picture of my attempt at a "Spoon Person."

I was fairly satisfied with the result, and I thought my two year-old daughter, who was helping me glue on the hair, eyes, clothes, etc., would be thrilled with it. When we finished and I handed it to her to play with, she gave me this look that expressed some hesitancy, like she was embarrassed. I guess the toy her mother had made for her was not really up to par. "Come on," I said, "look how fun this is." She finally accepted the toy with a resigned air, as if she was humoring her mother. If this is how she is going to act at two, I wonder what she is going to be like at thirteen.

Maybe we will just stick to gluing macaroni to construction paper next time and letting her paint it. At least that doesn't embarass her.


The MontaƱo’s said...

I think your attempt at creative craftiness is great and a success! I would be proud to show off your "Spoon Person" to any of my friends!! I hope the kids get feeling better soon!!

Teresa said...

So how exactly do you play with a Spoon Person without any other Spoon Persons to interact with?

PS-have you emailed grandma and told her to check out your blog?

malia said...

ok i think your spoon person looks great! but your story cracks me up. :) and the picture of callie with the spoon person is so darling. :) hope you are finding fun things to do.