Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Some of my favorite things

I just finished my Psych rotation and while I don't have any interest in doing it as a profession it was definitely one of my favorite rotations so far. Part of it was because of the awesome hours (show up at 8am-ish, write up our notes and see patients until about 12 or 1pm and head home), the really relaxed attending physician I worked with and the interesting cases we saw. But by far the best part has been overhearing bizarre conversations I overheard that caused almost no reaction from the doctors.
Pt: "I see dead people coming out of my chest telling me to kill myself."
Doctor: "we don't really deal with dead people..."

Pt: "the black government implanted a chip in my head to monitor my thoughts and prove that God exists"

31 year old black Pt: "I'm 98 years old and used to be white, but the handicapped kids I taught kidnapped me and beat me up so badly that I turned black"
"I used to be a pink alien with pink hair down to my feet"

And many more that I just can't remember. I think this would keep things interesting and would be something that I could enjoy, but ultimately I still don't think it's for me. The reason being that I like talking with patients about their health, coming up with a plan together, and teaching them things they need to live a long and healthy life. This doesn't really work too well when the patients' brains are the problem and they can't really understand that what they are thinking is totally askew.

1 comment:

The MontaƱo’s said...

Hey doc, you missing your fam yet? How many more days till they come home? I'm glad we got to see you, even though it is for such a short time. I hope your fam reunion was fun! I hope your wife and kids get to come up this weekend and see us!!