Friday, August 1, 2008

Culture of Complaining

I know complaining about one's job is by no means isolated to the healthcare arena, but I seem to have fallen into a pretty terrible cesspool of it. I heard long before starting my rotation (a 4 week stint) that the staff here "is sub-par as are many of the doctors". My collegues complain about the nursing staff not being prompt about doing their job, or about doing it poorly. They complain about doctors being annoying or not caring. They complain about the up-to-date electronic medical records and the awesome system they have set up for medical records. They even complain about the one free meal that is provided for us at the cafeteria. Seriously people, wake up and see the good things about where you work and what you do. To use a cliche analogy, they only see and complain about the thorns and can't even appreciate the roses. Part of these complaints have some validity, but nothing in our lives is ever going to be perfect, why do people have to go about being miserable because of it.
As I said earlier, this isn't isolated to my area of expertise, I have experienced this in every job school I've been at. When will people learn to see the good things that are around them and not get depressed and cynical about their situation. Or at least if they are could they at least learn not to bring me down with them?


burke said...

good point, dude.

malia said...

yeah i think that we can all fall into that sort of negative thinking every now and again. the trick, i guess, is to realize you are doing it and to snap out of it. thanks for the reminder. :) life IS good. and a lot of it is what YOU make of it. so make MY life good, eh? :)